Nature By Design 300 Calvert Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301 703-683-GROW (4769) (or click here to email us) The following plants will be offered in 2022. Not all plants will be available at all times; please inquire for current availability. Due to limited space, some plants are stored away from the Calvert Ave. location. Please call with your requests. We can transfer stock with 2-3 days notice. |
Ilex verticillata feasts the eyes, and the birds, throughout winter. |
Acer negundo | Box Elder |
Acer rubrum | Red Maple |
Acorus americanus | American Sweet Flag |
Actaea alba | Doll's Eyes |
Actaea racemosa var. racemosa | Bugbane |
Adiantum pedatum | Northern Maidenhair Fern |
Agarista populifolia | Florida Hobblebush |
Agastache foeniculum | Anise Hyssop |
Ageratina altissima | White Snakeroot |
Allium canadense | Wild Garlic |
Allium cernuum | Nodding Onion |
Allium tricoccum | Ramp, Wild Leek |
Alnus serrulata | Smooth Alder |
Amelanchier canadensis | Shadblow Serviceberry |
Amelanchier laevis | Smooth Serviceberry |
Amorpha fruticosa | False Indigo |
Amsonia tabernaemontana | Eastern Bluestar |
Andropogon gerardii | Big Bluestem |
Andropogon ternarius | Splitbeard Broomsedge |
Andropogon virginicus | Broomsedge Bluestem |
Anemone canadensis | Meadow Anemone |
Anemone virginiana | Thimbleflower |
Antennaria plantaginifolia | Plantain-leaf Pussytoes |
Apios americana c. 'Clusternut' | American Groundnut - Oikos Virginia |
Apios americana c. 'Virginia' | American Groundnut - Virginia |
Aplectrum hyemale | Adam and Eve |
Aquilegia canadensis | Eastern Columbine |
Arisaema dracontium | Green Dragon, Dragon Root |
Arisaema triphyllum | Jack-in-the-pulpit |
Aristolochia macrophylla | Dutchman's Pipe |
Aronia arbutifolia | Red Chokeberry |
Aronia melanocarpa | Black Chokeberry |
Aruncus dioicus | Goatsbeard |
Asarum canadense | Wild Ginger |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed |
Asclepias purpurascens | Purple Milkweed |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterfly Weed |
Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed |
Asimina triloba | Pawpaw Tree |
Asplenium platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort |
Astilbe biternata | Appalachian False Goatsbeard |
Athyrium angustum f. rubellum | Lady-in-red Fern |
Athyrium filix-femina | Lady Fern |
Athyrium filix-femina ssp. asplenioides | Southern Lady Fern |
Baccharis halimifolia | Groundsel Tree |
Baptisia australis | Blue False Indigo |
Baptisia tinctoria | Yellow Wild Indigo |
Betula lenta | Sweet Birch |
Betula nigra | River Birch |
Bignonia capreolata | Crossvine |
Boltonia asteroides | White Doll's Daisy |
Callicarpa americana | American Beautyberry |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold |
Calycanthus floridus | Carolina Allspice, Eastern Sweetshrub |
Camassia scilloides | Wild Hyacinth |
Campanula rotundifolia | Bluebell Bellflower |
Carex albicans | Whitetinge Sedge |
Carex amphibola | Creek Sedge |
Carex appalachica | Appalachian Sedge |
Carex crinata | Fringed Sedge |
Carex flaccosperma | Thinfruit Sedge |
Carex grayi | Gray's Sedge |
Carex lurida | Shallow Sedge |
Carex pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Sedge |
Carex plantaginea | Plantainleaf Sedge |
Carex rosea | Rosy Sedge |
Carex stricta | Tussock Sedge |
Carex vulpinoides | Fox Sedge |
Carpinus caroliniana | American Hornbeam |
Carya glabra | Pignut Hickory |
Caulophyllum thalictroides | Blue Cohosh |
Ceanothus americanus | New Jersey Tea |
Celastrus scandens | American Bittersweet |
Celtis occidentalis | Hackberry |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Buttonbush |
Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud |
Chamaecyparis thyoides | Atlantic Whitecedar |
Chamaelirium luteum | Fairywand, Devil's Bit |
Chamerion angustifolium | Fireweed |
Chasmanthium latifolium | Northern Sea Oats |
Chelone glabra | White Turtlehead |
Chelone lyonii | Pink Turtlehead |
Chionanthus virginicus | Fringe Tree |
Chrysogonum virginianum | Green-and-gold |
Chrysogonum virginianum c. 'Pierre' | Green-and-gold - Pierre |
Chrysopsis mariana | Maryland Goldenaster |
Claytonia virginica | Spring Beauty |
Clematis virginiana | Virgin's Bower |
Clethra alnifolia | Summersweet |
Clethra alnifolia c. 'Hummingbird' | Summersweet - Hummingbird |
Clethra alnifolia c. 'Ruby Spice' | Summersweet - Ruby Spice |
Cocculus carolinus | Carolina Moonseed |
Conoclinium coelestinum | Blue Mistflower |
Coreopsis lanceolata | Tickseed |
Coreopsis rosea | Rose Tickseed |
Coreopsis tripteris | Tall Coreopsis |
Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis |
Cornus alternifolia | Pagoda Dogwood |
Cornus amomum | Silky Dogwood |
Cornus florida | Flowering Dogwood |
Cornus racemosa | Gray Dogwood |
Cornus sericea | Redosier Dogwood |
Corylus americana | American Hazelnut |
Crataegus phaenopyrum | Washington Hawthorn |
Crataegus viridis | Green Hawthorn |
Cyrilla racemiflora | Leatherwood, Ti-ti |
Decodon verticillatus | Swamp Loosestrife |
Decumaria barbara | Wood Vamp, Native Climbing Hydrangea |
Delphinium exaltatum | Tall Larkspur |
Dennstaedtia punctilobula | Eastern Hayscented Fern |
Deschampsia cespitosa | Tufted Hairgrass |
Deschampsia flexuosa | Wavy Hairgrass |
Desmodium canadense | Showy Ticktrefoil |
Dicentra cucullaria | Dutchman's Breeches |
Dicentra eximia | Fringed Bleeding Heart |
Diervilla lonicera | Northern Bush Honeysuckle |
Diervilla sessilifolia | Southern Bush Honeysuckle |
Diospyros virginiana | Common Persimmon |
Dodecatheon meadia | Shooting Star |
Dryopteris filix-mas | Crested Male Fern |
Dryopteris goldiana | Goldie's Wood Fern |
Dryopteris intermedia | Intermediate Woodfern |
Dryopteris marginalis | Leatherwood Fern |
Dryopteris x australis | Dixie Wood Fern |
Echinacea pallida | Sweet-scented Coneflower |
Echinacea purpurea | Purple Coneflower |
Elymus hystrix | Bottlebrush Grass |
Elymus virginicus | Virginia Wild Rye |
Equisetum hyemale | Scouring Horsetail |
Eragrostis spectabilis | Purple Love-grass |
Eryngium yuccifolium | Rattlesnake Master |
Erythronium americanum | Yellow Trout Lily |
Eubotrys racemosa | Fetterbush |
Euonymus americana | American Strawberry Bush |
Eupatorium hyssopifolium | Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort |
Eupatorium perfoliatum | Common Boneset |
Eurybia divaricata | White Wood Aster |
Eurybia macrophylla | Bigleaf Aster |
Eurybia spectabilis | Eastern Showy Aster |
Eutrochium dubium | Coastal Plain Joe-pye Weed |
Eutrochium fistulosum | Trumpetweed |
Eutrochium maculatum | Spotted Joe-pye Weed |
Eutrochium purpureum | Sweet-scented Joe-pye Weed |
Fagus grandifolia | American Beech |
Fothergilla gardenii | Dwarf Fothergilla |
Fragaria virginiana | Wild Scarlet Strawberry |
Galax urceolata | Colt's Foot, Beetleweed |
Gelsemium sempervirens c. 'Margarita' | Carolina Jessamine - Margarita |
Geranium maculatum | Cranesbill |
Gillenia trifoliata | Bowman's Root |
Glandularia canadensis | Rose Vervain |
Goodyera pubescens | Rattlesnake Plantain |
Halesia tetraptera | Mountain Silverbell |
Hamamelis virginiana | Common Witch Hazel |
Helenium autumnale | Dogtooth Daisy |
Helianthus angustifolius | Swamp Sunflower |
Helianthus divaricatus | Woodland Sunflower |
Helianthus tuberosus | Jerusalem Artichoke |
Heliopsis helianthoides | False Sunflower |
Hepatica nobilis var. acuta | Sharplobe Hepatica |
Heuchera americana | Alum Root |
Heuchera villosa | Hairy Alumroot |
Hexastylis arifolia | Little Brown Jugs |
Hibiscus coccineus | Scarlet Rose Mallow |
Hibiscus laevis | Halberdleaf Rosemallow |
Hibiscus moscheutos | Rose Mallow |
Hydrangea arborescens | Smooth Hydrangea |
Hydrastis canadensis | Goldenseal |
Hymenocallis occidentalis (caroliniana) | Carolina Spiderlily |
Hypericum prolificum | Shrubby St. John's Wort |
Ilex glabra | Inkberry Holly |
Ilex glabra (female) | Inkberry Holly (female) |
Ilex glabra c. 'Compacta' | Inkberry Holly - Compacta (Female) |
Ilex glabra c. 'Nigra' | Inkberry Holly - Nigra (Female) |
Ilex glabra c. 'Shamrock' | Inkberry Holly - Shamrock (Female) |
Ilex opaca | American Holly |
Ilex verticillata | Winterberry Holly |
Ilex verticillata c. 'Jim Dandy' | Winterberry Holly - Jim Dandy (Male) |
Ilex verticillata c. 'Red Sprite' | Winterberry Holly - Red Sprite (Female) |
Ilex verticillata c. 'Southern Gentleman' | Winterberry Holly - Southern Gentleman (Male) |
Ilex verticillata c. 'Winter Red' | Winterberry Holly - Winter Red (female) |
Iris cristata | Crested Iris |
Iris cristata var. alba | White Crested Iris |
Iris verna | Dwarf Violet Iris |
Iris versicolor | Northern Blue Flag Iris |
Iris virginica | Southern Blue Flag Iris |
Iris virginica var. shrevei | Shreve's Blue Flag Iris |
Itea virginica | Sweetspire |
Itea virginica c. 'Little Henry' | Sweetspire - Little Henry (PP) |
Jeffersonia diphylla | Twin-leaf |
Juncus effusus | Common Rush |
Juncus tenuis | Poverty Rush |
Justicia americana | American Water Willow |
Kalmia latifolia | Mountain Laurel |
Kosteletzkya virginica | Seashore Mallow |
Lespedeza virginica | Bush Clover |
Leucothoe axillaris | Coast Leucothoe |
Leucothoe fontanesiana | Drooping Fetterbush |
Liatris scariosa | New England Blazingstar |
Liatris spicata | Gayfeather |
Liatris squarrosa | Scaly Blazing Star |
Lilium superbum | Turk's Cap Lily |
Lindera benzoin | Spicebush |
Liquidambar styraciflua | Sweetgum Tree |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip Poplar |
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower |
Lobelia siphilitica | Blue Cardinal Flower |
Lonicera sempervirens | Trumpet Honeysuckle |
Lonicera sempervirens c. 'John Clayton' | Trumpet Honeysuckle - John Clayton |
Lonicera sempervirens c. 'Major Wheeler' | Trumpet Honeysuckle - Major Wheeler |
Lupinus perennis | Bluebonnet, Sundial Lupine |
Lysimachia lanceolata c. 'Burgundy Mist' | Lanceleaf Loosestrife - Burgundy Mist |
Magnolia macrophylla | Bigleaf Magnolia |
Magnolia tripetala | Umbrella Tree |
Magnolia virginiana | Sweetbay Magnolia |
Maianthemum canadense | Canada Mayflower |
Maianthemum racemosum | Feathery False Lily-of-the-valley |
Matteuccia struthiopteris | Ostrich Fern |
Meehania cordata | Meehan's Mint |
Menyanthes trifoliata | Bog Buckbean |
Mertensia virginica | Virginia Bluebell |
Mimulus ringens | Monkey Flower, Lavender Musk |
Monarda didyma | Bee Balm |
Monarda fistulosa | Wild Bergamot |
Monarda punctata | Spotted Beebalm |
Morella cerifera | Wax Myrtle |
Morella pensylvanica | Northern Bayberry |
Morus rubra | Red Mulberry |
Muhlenbergia capillaris | Pink Muhly Grass |
Nymphaea odorata | Fragrant Waterlily |
Nyssa sylvatica | Tupelo, Blackgum Tree |
Oenothera fruticosa | Sundrops |
Oenothera speciosa | Pinkladies |
Onoclea sensibilis | Sensitive Fern |
Opuntia humifusa | Prickly Pear Cactus |
Osmunda claytonia | Interrupted Fern |
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis | Gray Royal Fern |
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum | Cinnamon Fern |
Ostrya virginiana | Hop Hornbeam |
Oxydendrum arboreum | Sourwood Tree |
Pachysandra procumbens | Allegheny Spurge |
Packera aurea | Golden Ragwort |
Panicum amarum | Bitter Panicgrass |
Panicum virgatum | Switchgrass |
Panicum virgatum c. 'Northwind' | Switchgrass - Northwind |
Panicum virgatum c. 'Shenandoah' | Switchgrass - Shenandoah |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper |
Passiflora incarnata | Maypop, Passionflower |
Peltandra virginica | Arrowleaf Arum |
Penstemon digitalis | Beardtongue |
Penstemon hirsutus | Hairy Beardtongue |
Penstemon smallii | Small's Beardtongue |
Phlox divaricata | Wild Blue Phlox |
Phlox divaricata c. 'Blue Moon' | Wild Blue Phlox - Blue Moon |
Phlox glaberrima c. 'Morris Berd' | Smooth Phlox - Morris Berd |
Phlox paniculata c. 'David' | Garden Phlox - David |
Phlox paniculata c. 'Jeana' | Garden Phlox - Jeana |
Phlox stolonifera | Creeping Phlox |
Phlox stolonifera c. 'Bruce's White' | Creeping Phlox - Bruce's White |
Phlox stolonifera c. 'Home Fires' | Creeping Phlox - Home Fires |
Phlox stolonifera c. 'Sherwood Purple' | Creeping Phlox - Sherwood Purple |
Phlox subulata c. 'Crimson Beauty' | Moss Phlox - Crimson |
Phlox subulata c. 'Emerald Blue' | Moss Phlox - Blue |
Phlox subulata c. 'Emerald Pink' | Moss Phlox - Pink |
Phlox subulata c. 'Purple Beauty' | Moss Phlox - Purple |
Phlox subulata c. 'Scarlet Flame' | Moss Phlox - Red |
Phlox subulata c. 'Snowflake' | Moss Phlox - White |
Physocarpus opulifolius | Common Ninebark |
Physostegia virginiana | Obedient Plant |
Pinus echinata | Shortleaf Pine |
Pinus rigida | Pitch Pine |
Pinus strobus | Pine-Eastern White |
Pinus taeda | Loblolly Pine |
Pinus virginiana | Scrub Pine |
Platanus occidentalis | Sycamore (Eastern Plane Tree) |
Podophyllum peltatum | Mayapple |
Polemonium reptans | Jacob's Ladder |
Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum | Smooth Solomon's Seal |
Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern |
Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed |
Populus deltoides | Eastern Cottonwood |
Prunus americana | American Wild Plum |
Prunus maritima | Beach Plum |
Prunus serotina | Black Cherry |
Prunus virginiana | Chokecherry |
Pycnanthemum incanum | Hoary Mountain Mint |
Pycnanthemum muticum | Mountain Mint |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium | Narrowleaf Mountain Mint |
Pycnanthemum virginianum | Virginia Mountain Mint |
Quercus alba | White Oak |
Quercus coccinea | Scarlet Oak |
Quercus falcata | Spanish Oak |
Quercus lyrata | Overcup Oak |
Quercus marilandica | Blackjack Oak |
Quercus muehlenbergii | Chinkapin Oak |
Quercus phellos | Willow Oak |
Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak |
Rhexia virginica | Meadow Beauty |
Rhododendron arborescens | Smooth Azalea |
Rhododendron atlanticum | Coast Azalea |
Rhododendron atlanticum c. 'Marydel' | Native Azalea - Marydel |
Rhododendron atlanticum x periclymenoides c. 'Choptank Rose' | Native Azalea - Choptank Rose |
Rhododendron c. 'Camilla's Blush' | Azalea - Camilla's Blush |
Rhododendron c. 'My Mary' | Azalea - My Mary |
Rhododendron calendulaceum | Flame Azalea |
Rhododendron canescens | Piedmont Azalea |
Rhododendron maximum | Rosebay Rhododendron |
Rhododendron periclymenoides | Pink or Pinxterbloom Azalea |
Rhododendron prinophyllum | Early Azalea |
Rhododendron prunifolium | Plumleaf Azalea |
Rhododendron viscosum | Swamp Azalea |
Rhus aromatica | Fragrant Sumac |
Rhus aromatica c. 'Gro-Low' | Dwarf Fragrant Sumac - Gro-Low |
Rhus copallinum | Winged Sumac |
Rhus glabra | Smooth Sumac |
Rhus typhina | Staghorn Sumac |
Rosa carolina | Carolina Rose |
Rosa palustris | Swamp Rose |
Rosa virginiana | Virginia Rose |
Rubus odoratus | Flowering Raspberry |
Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida | Orange Coneflower |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia laciniata | Cutleaf Coneflower |
Rudbeckia triloba | Brown-eyed Susan |
Ruellia caroliniensis | Carolina Wild Petunia |
Sabatia kennedyana | Plymouth Rose Gentian |
Saccharum giganteum | Sugarcane Plumegrass |
Sagittaria latifolia | Duck Potato |
Salix discolor | Pussy Willow |
Salix nigra | Black Willow |
Salix sericea | Silky Willow |
Salvia lyrata | Lyre-leafed Sage |
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | American Elderberry |
Sanguinaria canadensis | Bloodroot |
Sassafras albidum | Sassafras Tree |
Saururus cernuus | Lizard's Tail |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem |
Schizachyrium scoparium c. 'Standing Ovation' | Little Bluestem - Standing Ovation |
Scutellaria incana | Hoary Skullcap |
Scutellaria ovata | Heart-leafed Skullcap |
Sedum ternatum | Woodland Stonecrop |
Silene caroliniana | Catch-fly |
Silphium perfoliatum | Cup Plant |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium | Blue-eyed Grass |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium c. 'Lucerne' | Blue-eyed Grass - Lucerne |
Solidago caesia | Blue-stemmed Goldenrod |
Solidago flexicaulis | Zigzag Goldenrod |
Solidago juncea | Early Goldenrod |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod |
Solidago odora | Anise-scented Goldenrod |
Solidago rigida | Stiff Goldenrod |
Solidago rugosa | Rough-stemmed Goldenrod |
Solidago sempervirens | Seaside Goldenrod |
Solidago speciosa var. speciosa | Showy Goldenrod |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indian Nutgrass |
Spigelia marilandica | Indian Pinkroot |
Spiraea tomentosa | Steeplebush |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Coralberry |
Symphyotrichum cordifolium | Blue Wood Aster |
Symphyotrichum ericoides | White Heath Aster |
Symphyotrichum laeve | Smooth Aster |
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum | Calico Aster |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England Aster |
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii | New York Aster |
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | Aromatic Aster |
Symplocarpus foetidus | Skunk Cabbage |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress |
Thalia dealbata | Pea Flower |
Thalictrum dioicum | Early Meadow Rue |
Thelypteris noveboracensis | New York Fern |
Thelypteris palustris | Eastern Marsh Fern |
Thermopsis villosa | Carolina Lupine |
Thuja occidentalis | Eastern Arborvitae |
Thuja occidentalis c. 'Nigra' | Eastern Arborvitae - Nigra |
Thuja occidentalis c. 'Techny' | Mission Arborvitae |
Tiarella cordifolia | Foamflower |
Tiarella cordifolia c. 'Running Tapestry' | Foamflower - Running Tapestry |
Tilia americana | Basswood, American Linden |
Tradescantia ohiensis | Bluejacket |
Tradescantia virginiana | Virginia Spiderwort |
Trillium cuneatum | Little Sweet Betsy |
Trillium erectum | Red Wakerobin |
Trillium grandiflorum | White Trillium, Wakerobin |
Trillium luteum | Yellow Wakerobin |
Ulmus americana c. 'Valley Forge' | American Elm - Valley Forge |
Uvularia perfoliata | Perfoliate Bellwort |
Uvularia sessilifolia | Sessileleaf Bellwort |
Vaccinium angustifolium | Lowbush Blueberry |
Vaccinium corymbosum | Highbush Blueberry |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Bluecrop' | Highbush Blueberry - Bluecrop |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Blueray' | Highbush Blueberry - Blueray |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Chandler' | Highbush Blueberry - Chandler |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Duke' | Highbush Blueberry - Duke |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Elliott' | Highbush Blueberry - Elliott |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Jersey' | Highbush Blueberry - Jersey |
Vaccinium corymbosum c. 'Patriot' | Highbush Blueberry - Patriot |
Verbena hastata | Blue Vervain |
Vernonia gigantea | Giant Ironweed |
Vernonia noveboracensis | New York Ironweed |
Veronicastrum virginicum | Culver's Root |
Viburnum acerifolium | Mapleleaf Viburnum |
Viburnum dentatum | Arrowwood Viburnum |
Viburnum lentago | Nannyberry Viburnum |
Viburnum nudum | Smooth Witherod |
Viburnum prunifolium | Blackhaw Viburnum |
Viburnum trilobum | American Cranberry Viburnum |
Viola pedata | Bird's Foot Violet |
Viola sororia | Common Blue Violet |
Viola striata | Cream Violet |
Wisteria frutescens c. 'Amethyst Falls' | American Wisteria - Amethyst Falls |
Xanthorhiza simplicissima | Yellowroot |
Yucca filamentosa | Beargrass, Adam's Needle |
Zephyranthes atamasca | Atamasco Lily |
Zizia aptera | Meadow Zizia |
Zizia aurea | Golden Alexander |
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